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Why Professional Transcription Services for NGOs in Africa is a road to effective communication

While NGOs on a large scale are heaven sent to those in dire situations in Africa where they and are still availing free basic needs to poor or disadvantaged communities like food, shelter, security, free education to mention a few, the needs are further effectively communicated with the presence of professional Transcription services for NGOs in Africa. As per languages,…

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Why It’s Important to Translate the National Anthem Into Local Languages

Patriotism has become a common theme in President Yoweri K. Museveni’s speeches during national celebrations such as Independence Day. He always talks about how we need to promote patriotism and become a people that put the interests of the country above self; in the words of John F. Kennedy, a people that don’t ask what their country can do for…

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How Important is Professional Immigration Translation Services?

Professional Immigration Translation Services is as vital as it should be in this day and era where there are mass movements of people from Developing countries to the Developed ones in search of better lives for them and their families. While some seek to live in these new countries permanently others move simply to find better paying work which they…

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