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Why Professional Translations are vital for African Indigenous Languages

Being a linguist is an advantage in Africa as it makes life easier for one as they get to interact more efficiently with less limits unlike for those who only speak one or two African indigenous languages. This is because Africa alone is estimated to have between 1500 to 2000 languages alone. Having good command of the English language may…

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Time to Translate Uganda’s Popular Books

If there’s any man who has contributed to Ugandan literature and to the appreciation of our indigenous languages more than any, it is Okot p’Bitek. Though long gone, his epic poem, Song of Lawino remains the finest and most known piece of literature to be hatched out of Uganda.  First published in 1966, this lengthy poem has been taught in…

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Is Arabic Africa’s most widely spoken Language?

Although Arabic as a language has over 250 million speakers worldwide with 100 million of these found on the second most populated continent; Africa. Arabic is also the most widespread official language of many African countries with the biggest number of Egypt having the biggest number of about 54 million speakers which has earned it the nickname; the Latin of…

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