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Would effective communication help in the human trafficking fight?

If communication was more effective today globally then maybe the human trafficking cancer eating up the society today wouldn’t be spreading like it is doing. It is reported that up to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year according to the U.S department of Justice. CNN reported on a story of two African young women one from Nigeria…

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How lack of translation may have contributed to why the coup in Zimbabwe was not on the front pages of world News agencies

By Angela Kyolaba All eyes on Zimbabwe! As the former liberator turned power hungry dictator of Zimbabwe until this November, Robert Mugabe was pushed to resign by a soft coup so to say, all media guns have been concentrated on this country for a month long reporting from almost all countries and languages worldwide. [caption id="attachment_896" align="alignnone" width="259"] Robert Mugabe…

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What Are The Basic Types of Interpretation

Interpretation is under the many translation services offered and is vital during the communication process. This unlike translation that transfers meaning among written languages, Interpretation does the same but with spoken languages. Here an interpreter relays the message from the source speaker to the intended audience in a language they understand best and different from the one of the speaker.…

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