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Languages of Somalia, Professional African Translation Services & Insecurity

Once considered the pearl of the Indian Ocean, Somalia is famous for the wrong reasons owing to al-shabaab’s unconventional methods of trying for decades to push it to extreme Islam, thus carrying out deadly attacks on civilians, foreigners and neighbouring countries who resist the radicalism and Professional African Translation Services could play a positive role. The recent such attack was…

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Beat the Competition to become an effective Local Professional African Translations Company

A little research points to the possibility that many translation clients seeking professional services in African indigenous languages concentrate in the U.S, UK or South Africa and Kenya for almost all African languages and translation services. (more…)

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How African Indigenous Languages Combat Oppression in Zimbabwe

Did you know that African Indigenous Languages are used as a tool for protests and airing out grievances? This is exactly what is happening in Zimbabwe where the President; Emmerson Mnangagwa has more than doubled fuel prices as a solution to the shortages that have seen Zimbabweans queue with their cars waiting for their turn of this liquid gold! A…

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